
 1 out of every 2 men between the ages of 35 and 65 will experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives, and the Priapus Shot has been specially designed to help end this negative trend.

Are you tired of not being at the peak of your sexual health?

Do you want to improve and eliminate your ED symptoms?

Are you looking for real, medically-proven male enhancement solutions?

Then the P-shot is for you!



The Priapus Shot®, or P-Shot, is a procedure of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis and deliver lasting improvements in sexual performance to men. This safe and effective procedure has been shown to be helpful for those who are having erectile dysfunction.

The P-shot is a pain-free, cutting-edge penile injection treating the various symptoms of erectile dysfunction. The Priapus shot can not only return your confidence and function, but the P-shot is one of the only non-surgical treatments for ED.

How the Priapus Shot® works:

The P-shot works by injecting plasma enriched growth factors or PRP (platelet rich plasma) form your blood, into specific areas of the penis. These blood-derived growth factors help to rejuvenate the penis and improve blood flow and retention in order to provide a more full and strong erection.

PRP contains growth factors and proteins that facilitate improved healing and blood flow to a particular tissue. This acts by aggregating important growth factors where the PRP has accumulated, signaling a need for healing and blood flow.

  1. A numbing cream is applied to the penis
  2. We draw your blood and put it in a centrifuge
  3. We add some calcium chloride to activate the platelets.
  4. The platelets release growth factors.
  5. The solution is injected into the penis using a tiny needle.

The P-shot addresses sexual health, male enhancement, or erectile dysfunction in a natural and safe way using your body’s own healing mechanisms to heal and optimize the penile tissue and arteries that supply it with healing and growth factors.

The P-shot injection can help optimize your sexual wellness and get you back to a healthy and enjoyable sex life.

We would love to help you.

Contact us to make an appointment or to learn more about the P-Shot.

(406) 219-3945